Pj’s poem

Pajamas Poem

My pj’s are pink,

My pj’s are soft,

My pj’s are the one’s that say “bed”.

They hug me all night like a lion protecting it’s prey

And they stalk me when I get out of bed just to keep me warm.

I’ll love my pj’s for eva.



Allways trying
Try all the time
Every turn
Between the wo footpaths
Off then on again
Again and again
Ride all the time
Day and night
If I fall of
Never give up
Go on no matter what

My favourite animal

My favourite animal is the Clouded Leoperd.Because it isnt a small cat like a pet cat but it isnt a big cat like a tiger.Something that is also very interesting is that it cant roar like a tiger but it cant meow lie a kitten.I find that very fasinating so I hope I have told you enough for you to know why theCloded Leoperd is my favourite animal.

My favorite food

I love pasta it is my favorite food. You can have different flavours like cheddar and chives, but pasta isn’t just one boring shape, it could be curved pasta, straight pasta or even little squares.  I like to put red pesto which gives it a nice flavour. Now you know why my favorite food is pasta.