My Camp Highlight!

My favourite thing I did at camp was extremely muddy, smelly but outright fun. That’s right-it was the confidence course! Starting with climbing over and under wood hurdles and finishing with getting underneath a rope, forcing our heads under muddy water. This required teamwork, trust, strength, bravery and a good singing voice (well… maybe not that good!). If I ever go again I would like to be timed to see how fast I could do it.


What is energy?

Energy is the power that makes things work. There are lots of different types of energy such as…

  1. Heat
  2. Light
  3. Electrical
  4. Nuclear


There are two types of energy, stored and working energy. The scientific names are, potential and kinetic.

What I would like to learn about energy?

I would like to know how they measure all the different kinds of energy.

I would like to know how they discovered electricity.

Team Building

Team building is when a group of people go out and do activities that mean they must work together to complete challenges. The challenges may include problem solving, building trust and communicating with team mates. Often there are physical challenges, and one person usually takes a leadership role to help organise the group. Everyone has to participate  and team members encourage and support each other to accomplish the challenge. The purpose of team building is to get groups of people working together in a more efficient way.

F&J’s Fantastic Enterprise!

F&J’s had a successful enterprise. We chose to make fizz pops [sherbet with lollipop] and use Flynn’s dad’s simulator [car driving game that is found in an arcade]. We chose these so we could make a profit and have a great time selling it.

We knew that the fizz pops would sell well because all of our friends and family all like to buy sherbert at the dairy. We also like lollipops so we thought it was a good combination and it made it an exciting and easy way to eat sherbert.

We had a great time making the sherbert and packing it into bags with the lollipops at Flynn’s house. We had to use teamwork to get this done. We also had to work together designing our adverts which we put up around school. Flynn and I had to come up with a design for our labels as well, and in the end we thought the labels looked awesome.

We were sure the  racing car simulator was going to do well because we knew all of our friends would try to beat each others time. We were lucky that Flynn’s dad worked at Mitre 10 so we could get to use this. It was tricky to get it down the school ramp, so we had to ask some of the boys in our class to help.

Our fizz pops were good value for money and delicious so they sold out so quickly on the day we didn’t even get to eat any ourselves! That was the only bad thing about the gala. The simulator was popular and we had customers all day. Because it was Mitre 10 sponsored we were able to give out some pretty awesome prizes to everyone who had a go.

We both know that we had a super time and would enjoy doing it again next year.

A Cosy Hidden Home

I smell hot comforting wood smoke filling the air, mixed with a fresh smell of green grass and flowers as I stand outside the unusually shaped door. A lamp shines above the glossy green door.  Behind the door I hear the faded sounds of  singing and laughing as I press my ear against it. The jagged sandstone path is prickling my feet. As I knock quite loudly on the door the house silenced and I hear soft footsteps heading my way…


Can you guess where I am?

My Groups Enterprise

My group is Flynn, Oscar and I, we have chosen to have a car simulator that people can drive and a create your own lollies stand with Sherbet!

I think that our idea is a strong idea because…

Car simulator will attract all ages,

the set up cost is cheap,

we can charge good money and

get lots of people giving it a try.

So I think that our idea will succeed.

Why kids should play rugby!

Why should kids play rugby? You can get away with stuff you can’t at school. You keep fit and don’t often get heat badly. I have my three reasons why you should play rugby.


My first reason is that it has an easy and existing aim. One aim is to score a try or goal through posts, the posts are about ten meters wide. You can smash or tackle another boy or girl with your shoulder or arms. You can… tackle, smash, run, charge and lots more.


My second reason is players get split into forwards and backs. Forwards are in scrums line outs and lots more, forwards are more evolved in the game. Backs are in the back line and some times rucks and malls, backs aren’t so much evolved in the game but they score lots. When you work together you should win if not well you will lose!


My third reason is there are lots of easy rules. If you listen you will pick up the rules fast. If you are a kid you will get at least half a game if not put a complaint to you couch or club. As a kid you get to play 25-30 minutes each half. There are lots of clubs like Suburbs and Ponsonby.


Now that is some of the reasons why kids should play rugby. I hope in 2014 you will join thank you for listening.

The end.