Gala Day

The crowds of growing lines are getting longer every minute. The sound of shouting is booming louder, the food is nearly out. It is hotter and hotter as the performances keep on coming. My money is nearly out and the stalls are closing, as the people leave in a flash. The money is counted and the car parks empty.


Rows and rows of houses flood the city. Towers grow taller and taller into the night sky. People crowd the underground to board their train. You can hear the dongs of Big Ben from where ever you are. Black cabs and red buses spray colour into the endless city.  The river Thames cuts through the city like a knife.


You can hear the sand blowing down the sand dunes. The waves crash and splash at the shells. Drift wood floats up on to the sand, waiting to be washed back out to sea. Foot prints get imprinted on the sand.  The sea gulls chirp as they wait for bits of scrap to float up on to the beach.


The stars live in mystical places nowhere to be found.  The sun rules over all other planets. It is like superior being above everybody. No one is around you and there is nothing to see. There is no limit to go, only the noise of your spaceship in a dark place.

Villa Cesena

A large green gate stood at the top of Villa Cesena. A rocky road leads down to the bottom of the crystal white villa. A light blue pool is what made villa stand out. The villa was surrounded by scrubby ant infested bush surrounded large villa. The villa is filled with tiled bath rooms. In the bush you can hear the wild dogs barking for food.