Rainbows end!!! (edited and finished)

On the first Saturday of the holidays, I went to Rainbows end!!! My cousin, my aunty and my uncle came down to Auckland. My brother, dad and I thought we better go there.

The first thing we did there was go on the pirate ship, as that was Leah (my cousin) and I’s favourite activity. We were first in line, so when we were allowed; we scrambled up to the very, very tippy top seats. It didn’t seem like much fun when it first started swaying, but when it got really high my tummy was doing flips on a trampoline !! The pirate ship is definitely my favourite thing because it takes you way off the ground.

Next we did the mystical motion master. This time the theme was Happy Feet’s wild ride. When I was in line I saw 3 boys from our school in front of us. Once we finally got in there, which seemed as long as it is to watch grass grow (a very slow growing piece of grass), I took a seat in the front row. I knew I was going to have an awesome time. As I walked out my body was still swaying. It was a really cool or EXCITING thing to do.

At the end of the day just after Leah and I got out of the photo booth, the adults were going on the fear fall. I shuddered even though I had been on 3 times before. My dad was practically begging me to go on, but I still refused. So when they got in line I knew I would feel like a coward if I went home with out without doing it; so, I jumped into line just in time and went on. I will list what I felt like going down thrilled, excited, scared, thrilled, excited, scared, THRILLED, EXCITED, SCARED!! (you get what I mean).

Rainbows end is a GREAT place to go if you are bored and really need some excitement. I certainly thought that it was the coolest place that I went to in the holidays. I like some thrill once and a while, but I was happy to lie down on the couch when I got back home

The End


Yay! Holidays, finally I get to relax…

We had a few things planned. A couple of trips to Rotorua to see Grandma, and a chance to head to Waiwera to catch up with Laura & her family. How exciting.

Firstly we head off to Rotorua. We needed to get through the l o n g road trip.  We had enough lollies& a DVD to keep us busy.  We got to grandma’s house and there she was with her beautiful smile. My grandma is the nicest grandma in histories of grandma’s. Our first thing that we did was the Polynesian Spa. Which was amazing, the hot pools are a perfect temperature. The next thing my family and I did was Putt Putt and guess what? I got a hole in one! How exciting. We had taken our bikes with us so we could go for a cycle. I went for a bike ride every day because I love cycling. When I was cycling we went into the forest, I love the forest because of all the beautiful Redwood trees and native plants.

Well, you’ve heard about my fantastic time at Rotorua, now, Waiwera & Matakana. It was a beautiful sunny day, when we headed to the warm pools of Waiwera, and we didn’t have far to go this time. Laura and her family were soaking in the movie pool as we arrived. We quickly changed to togs & jumped in, woohoo this weekend was fun. We had such a great time, swimming and swimming and sliding on the slides. Bright and early Saturday morning we checked out the Matakana market, lots of yummy food.

What a wonderful, action-packed holiday, good times with family and friends.

By Zara


Waiwera Pools 2


As I jumped out of the car, the warm sun shone softly on my face.  I had just arrived at Waiwera pools with my friend Zara, her family and my family.




I put my togs on and dived into the movie pool.  In the pool, the most boring movie was on, The Sapphires.  It was as boring as reading a book!  Minutes later I was standing at the top of the tower, waiting in the cold to go on the most exciting slide there…. The twister! 3, 2 ,1 yeaahh! My heart thumped as I shot down the steep, slippery slide.  As I got closer to the end, the water splashed across my face like a slap.




After many more hours of fun, laughter and swimming, it was time to leave. I ended up looking like a wrinkly prune.


I enjoyed my day in the pool as much as I like eating chocolate!




By Laura


Skiing at SnowPlanet 2

I have been bugging my mother for about 2 years for her to take me to snowplanet……. and she finally did!

After a long drive north, we finally arrived at the magical mountain of wondrous ice and snow. I was not expecting it to be so big, and so cold for fake snow. It took some practice for me to get used to the very long and very hard-to-walk-in skis.  I learnt quickly how to turn and stop, and was using the chairlift to the top before I knew it, even though I fell off it the first time. I didn’t know that on skis you had so much controll! I thought you just had to face the way you wanted to turn, but it was actually a lot harder. I loved the feeling of the cold wind going down my neck and the sound of the skis as they sliced through the snow.  It was a great feeling whizzing down the huge mountain.

It was my first time skiing but it won’t be my last!  I am already bugging mum to take me back……


The best thing for me in the holidays was going to west wave. It was because it was when  my older brother Josh wasn’t there he was over in Henderson with his friend, watching a movie. When we got to west wave  they were having a fire drill so we had to wait half an hour until we could get in, luckily there was a café nearby so we waited there until we saw the fire trucks go past. We then finally got to swim we also went on the hydro slide, and my mum for once went in the wave pool and that day we found out that children under 14 go in for free and so that was the most exciting day for me in the holidays.

By Hailey


My sisters 7th birthday

I waked up feeling a bit nervous, I was agitating with fear, my body filled with worries, my door opened, a shadow casted the floor. I took a 2nd look but it was just my sister screaming with happiness, I went upstairs to the kitchen, I slowly told my mum what were going to do for my sister she told me secretly “we are planning to take her to rock climbing,” as soon as I heard rock climbing all my hauntings disappeared.

When we left our house I didn’t agitate with fear, and I wasn’t filled with worries, I was filled with excitement ,and I grinned with joy. A few minutes layer when we arrived, I was stuck, I tried reach for the top but may hands were too short to reach to the top, my stomach slowly started to twirl, my brain got totally unscrewed. I repeated”I can do it,” then suddenly a bright light came to my mind, I saw an edge where I can stand on, I reached for it and it was a success, when I finally got up to the top I swiped my  sweat off ,and was panting continuously, I chanted “I reached the top, I just reached the top!” Then I banged my head on the wall, my head felt like it had a brain heat, (opposite of brain freeze) I went to the next wall and my knees started to tremble with horror…                 (if you want to see ” My sisters 7th birthday 2″ leave a comment for My sisters 7th birthday 2 peace out) :):):)

Rugby Success

My first game of rugby for the season was played against the other Suburbs team. They didn’t lose a single game last year.I didn’t know how we were going to play because we  didn’t have a great season last year  and this year we have 5 new players.   I felt nervous before the game because I was captain.

It was a hot and sunny day with no wind at Shadbolt Park, our home field, on the morning of the game. We had a great start to the match because we were blowing over, fending the other players  and running straight with the ball. Our new players like Flynn, William, Sam, Vili and Nico were playing really well as we had only been practising for two weeks. The other team made it tough in the forwards because they were fast around the field.

After the half time oranges our forwards started to blow over and fight for the ball. This let our backs have strong runs and sometimes get trys. In the end we won 65 to 15, by scoring 13 trys to 3. This made me feel like I was in the All Blacks.


The thing that stood out to me in the holidays is this: It was my Dad’s birthday. We had gone to the french café for a nice lunch. I looked at the menu and saw, in linked tidy french writing… snails. I thought that i might give it a go, so when the lady came round I ordered the snails. They came to me in a nice white dish with six little holes in them for the snails. I popped a snail in to my mouth and I was hit with all the flavours at once. It was a flavour unlike anything else, it tasted so amazing in my mouth, and once I’d swallowed it there was a taste almost like a chicken and a fish combined. It was most amazing thing I had ever tasted, and I cant wait to go back to have it again.

Snow Planet!

😎In the holidays my family and I went to Snow Planet. Snow Planet is where you can snow board or ski indoors (I ski).  When we got there I got my skis and boots, they took me nearly 10 minutes to put on. I went straight out to the snow and started to ski. It was really awesome and I had a lot of fun, I did loads of the big jumps, parallel turns, drifts and tricks. I also went on a doughnut that was amazing fun and also kept me busy. We were there for about five hours, at the end my family and I had a massive snow fight. We were throwing snowballs at each other, my fingers started to freeze in my gloves and I decided go back indoors and sit by the fire. By the end I wanted to stay for another five hours.


Da pro holidays

During the holidays I went on a trip to the Maritime museum , we didn’t stay for long because my sister and I were desperate to do the sailing experience. We zoomed through the museum, minutes later we were out of the museum , clipping on life jackets , after that we were ready to set sail.

Once we had stepped on the boat we took a moment to examine it , it was a beautiful turquoise ship with magnificent towering sails. , Suddenly a crew member tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I could help raise the main sail, I pulled on the sail imagining I was in a pirate movie, gradually the sail was raised . It was harder than I thought raising the sail after the sail was raised we explored the small ship when we were examining the steering wheel  the captain asked us if we wanted to steer,  me and my sister jumped at the opportunity. It was so fun! we got to steer the boat under the harbour bridge! but after that we let some other kids have a turn. It was the coolest thing I had ever done.